The Letter to Corporation about our production and operation

Dear Customers,Partners and Suppliers,
We continue to monitor the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. We are following the latest guidance from the Public Health Agency of China, the Center for Disease Control (Liaoning Province), the World Health Organization, and local public health officials. Our primary objective is the health and well-being of our employees, our customers, and our community. Our secondary objective is to maintain all business operations, as is reasonably possible.

We are calm and taking reasonable steps to achieve these two objectives. At this time, our operations and production lines of lab test instruments and cementing chemicals are running at good capacity. This is a challenging season for all of us, we value our relationship and as we move forward through this tumultuous time we want to do so in an open and safe manner.

As this situation is evolving quickly, we encourage you to be in regular communication with your sales and service representatives from Shenyang Taige Oil Equipment. Thank you for your business and your care.


Post time: Mar-17-2020
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